Hannes has a couple of favorite words. Oddly enough, the "nice" words, the niceties, the polite words, the positive ones; they all come out in Swedish. The negative ones, objections, denials, grunts, those he has learned in Finnish.
And then there's one word he loves, that is the same in all languages: wow.
Everything new is wow. On our ferry ride from Stockholm to Helsinki, it was wow to the power of wow. I don't think I have ever seen anybody be that excited about being on those ferries. Not even Jessica.
The first wow was just to drive in/onto the ferry. Next one was opening the door to our cabin, followefd closely by the elevator ride back to the main deck. The slot machines were a definite wow, as well as the other elevator that had glass walls. And when they carried that baby bed into our cabin, well, you know, it was just so wow that we were speechless.
It's amazing what a human being can learn in about a year and a half.