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Saturday, March 13, 2004
The doors
Nothing is as exciting as a closed door. Except maybe opening one -- so you can close it again. If you don't want to take my word for it, ask Hannes.

Today, about 30 minutes ago, he learned how to open the door, by using the handle.

Yet another step towards a complete upside-down world for us. Now we have to switch the handles so that you pull up instead of pushing down when opening the doors. There are so many things we have already made more difficult to use, to discourage Hannes from using them.

I think handles and knobs on drawers are overrated anyway.

Saturday, March 06, 2004
Breakfast club
By now - if you've been reading this blog from the beginning, you'll know that I love our mornings. I just love how the three of us sit by the kitchen table and read our morning papers. Well, two of us read, one of us makes toasts in two languages, plays with his food, throws books on the floor and is juts having good, not-so-clean fun with everything.

And if you've really been reading this blog long enough, you know the messy person could be me. But I am, of course, referring to Hannes here.

Our daily routine has been for a while that Jessica gives Hannes his early morning bottle - simply because it would be torture if they had to wait for me to wake up. I am, after all, the guy who once slept two hours too long on a train, and had to walk back to the station from wherever they had towed the train. (I just can't hear anything).

So, Jessica gets up, gives him the bottle and then they both fall asleep again. The next time Hannes wakes up, I'll get up and play with him for an hour or so, and then we'll eat breakfast.

Yesterday morning, I didn't wake up, and with a little help from Jessica, Hannes had found his way to our bed. But, once up, he wanted to get on with the program, so he woke me up, and then went and got my glasses from the night table.

Time for dad-son morning time.


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