"Look, Ma"
Let it be known that Hannes has officially reached the age where he learns something every single day. And unlike me, who also like to brag that I learn something every day, he doesn't forget it the next day.
Yesterday was a busy day for Hannes. He learned at least two new things, and perfected a third one to a point where he can say he masters it.
First, last night, as Jessi was lying on the couch, watching TV, and I was just standing in the middle of our living room, all of a sudden, Hannes took his little "walking cart" and .. started to walk, pushing the green thing in front of him. He had been a little intimidated by it before, but now he just gets up and walks.
Second, a little later on, I saw him sitting on the floor, clapping his hands. This, too, has been something that he's been fascinated with, but hasn't been able to do himself.
And last, but not least, Hannes surprised Jessica and me by yelling, "Äiti! Titta" the other day. Now, "äiti" is "Ma" in Finnish, and "titta" "look" in Swedish.
So, basically, he has all the makings of a talk show host. He can yell, clap his hands and walk away.
Big Boy
Hannes had some company over. His buddy from Karlstad, Jaspar, son of Sofia and Per, a Swedish couple that lived in Helsinki until May drove up to Stockholm yesterday.
It'd been a few months (well, since May) since we'd seen Jaspar so obviously he had grown a lot. That, and he wanted to walk all the time! It was pretty funny to see him hold Per/Sofia's arms and walk away. I mean, he's just eight months old.
Meanwhile, Hannes was sitting in his high chair, looking at Jaspar looking at him looking at Jaspar, eating a sandwich and making funny faces.
And all of a sudden, Hannes seemed so big. So communicative, almost talkative! Three months is a long time in the Baby world.
But pretty soon Jaspar and Hannes can really play together.
M. Night Shamalamadingdong
I remember being scared of the dark, and the night. For lots of different reason, but mostly simply because everything looks different at night. I don't think Hannes is afraid of the nights, on the contrary maybe, but it is getting harder for me to not get worried about how the night's going to be. Hannes seems to have tummyache at night.
Oh, we've been up at Hudiksvall visiting Aunt Jenny and her Joel. That was fun. Hudiksvall is a small community north of Stockholm, and we got to know the downtown area pretty well. :)
Anyway, since Aunt Jenny doesn't have a bed for anybody close to 11 months old, Hannes slept next to me or Jessica. He sleeps peacefully until about 2, then starts to moan and whine until 4 when he just gets up. He never seems to have tummyache in daytime which is a little strange. Anyway, last night I got up at 4 (most nights it's Jessi who does it) and walked around the apartment with him for a while, and then thought I would let him play on the sofa (where I could lie down). He got up as merrily as ever, only to fall asleep about 30 s later. I was excited. Have I found the cure to Hannes's night sleep? We'll see.