Triple tongue
There are currently three languages spoken in our household: Finnish, Swedish and Hannes. It's pretty funny becaus both
Jessica and I are pretty anxious to hear Hannes's first words. Not that we know that he'll be talking any time soon.
I mean, he does make a lot of different sounds, but talking? Not really.
Hannes can say, for example, "tha-tha" and I will get super excited and point to Jessi and go, "yeah, äi-ti, äi-ti", "äiti" being Finnish for "mother." (Now, there's a whole other issue since Jessica would really want Hannes to call her "mamma," but I just can't put that one word of Swedish into my Finnish sentences. I get so self-conscious about it, and I always just fall back to "äiti.") Meanwhile, Jessica hears the same "tha-tha" sound and she goes, "yeah, titta." "Titta" means "look" in Swedish.
And yet, Hannes may mean neither of the two. Or, he might be saying, "look, ma!"
Maybe one day, he'll let us in on that.