Hi, ho, it's off to work we go
Or, not we, I. It's off to work I go. After four weeks of 100 percent domestic life, it was interesting to sit in three back-to-back meetings from 9 to 12. I really, seriously, question our way of life, and the constant pursuit of wealth, I guess. Oh well, I won't bore you with that. You've got your own issues, I am sure. Heh.
But since I am but a poor man's poor man and I need to work, it feels really good to have been at home and having established a real contact with Hannes. I don't know what he thinks about it, but I feel like I really know him.
I know what makes him laugh, and how to dress him so he doesn't get upset (leave the little hat as the last item), what he sounds like when he's just about to fall asleep, how he shakes his just-a-tad-too-heavy-for-his-body head and looks around curiously, and how he looks at Jessica after he's had a little milk.
And I still get to get up at 5.25 if Hannes wakes up. He's got a lock on that slot in my calendar.