Forgive me, dear reader, it's been a month since my last entry.
Life's a blur. Things are moving so fast in all directions that it's hard to keep up. Then again, the same applies to Hannes, so I guess I could say that Hannes is a blur, too.
A talking one, too.
This is Hannes is a nutshell:
"pappapapmamammamaettuh .. ettuh ... ettuh.. ETTUH!!... tacktacktacktackvessakakka...kakkavessa...äiti ... ohhoh... ohhoh ... lookforme lookforme ... here i am!!! banana!banana!banana! tacktacktack"
We've been going to a nearby market square for a morning tea/coffee/brunch for the past 2-3 weeks and Hannes is a local celebrity there now. This market square is, in fact, the same market square i went to with my Mom some 30-odd-years ago.
Us living so close to where my parents lived when I was born makes moving from this place difficult. I love seeing Hannes play in the playground, with the church where I was baptized towering behind him. I love going to the market square, and every time I tell Jessica (and Hannes) where our car was parked when my Dad closed the trunk on my tiny finger. I love seeing the people outside the library, and skating across the street from our apartment with Hannes was about the most fun I have ever had with my skates on.
But now we're moving. We'll just have to create our own, brand new, memories.